What are the types of diabetes mellitus?

Diabetes mellitus means the increased level of sugar in our blood and associated disorder in body functions. Due to trouble in secretion of a hormone named insulin, the patient faces trouble with metabolism processes. Since insulin maintains the blood sugar level, any disturbance in insulin secretion can cause changes in blood sugar level. Now the question is what the types of diabetes mellitus are.

Type-2 Diabetes Metabolic Process

Type-2 Diabetes Metabolic Process

Diabetes mellitus can be mainly divided into two types- type-1 diabetes and type-2 diabetes. In type-1 diabetes, there is a complete or almost total deficient insulin secretion which can be a result of genetic, environmental or losing beta cells of pancreas.

In type-2 diabetes mellitus, the insulin secretion deficiency may vary as there is a wide range of insulin action, low level of secretion and increased glucose generation

Gestational diabetes results only during pregnancy. At later period of pregnancy, resistance to the insulin function results this diabetes. It is found at a low rate less than 10% and recovers after delivery, but still there remains a risk of further complication.

Daily check blood sugar and maintain healthy diet

Daily check blood sugar and maintain healthy diet

Diabetes can cause auditory, neuropathy, nephropathy, artery and coronary complications. Only a routine life and diet habit can minimize the risks of diabetes. So, we must follow a disciplined way of living.

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